275 Kilometers
Day 1: 174km
Day 2: 101km
3192m Ascent
Day 1: 1834m
Day 2: 1358m
Day 1: 8H 20M
Day 2: 6H 01M
18.75 km/h
Day 1: 20.8 km/h
Day 2: 16.7 km/h
The JackalBerry Challenge 2023
JackalBerry Extreme 2024
Target: R 120 000
JackalBerry Challenge 2024
Target: R 500 000
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Highlights from JackalBerry 2022
Highlights from JackalBerry 2021
Highlights from JackalBerry 2020
Highlights from JackalBerry 2016
JackalBerry Challenge Main Event Title Sponsors
4PL Group
The 4PL.GROUP is an intergrated supply chain company specialising in end-to-end services. We are a dynamic supply chain business established to offer the Southern African and International market a comprehensive supply chain solution. 4PL.GROUP offers full bulk supply chain turnkey solutions.
Six Square Networks
Six Square Networks is a leading provider of managed services, offering end-to-end infrastructure, security and internet solutions to the medium-size enterprise market, enabling clients to gain operational control, visibility and efficiency, to consolidate and manage costs, whilst aligning with governance, risk and compliance objectives.
Since 1976, we have succeeded in creating reliable products, by understanding the needs of our customers and a wide range of industries.
JackalBerry Challenge Extreme Event Title Sponsors
Foxy Stationers
Foxy Stationers, a 40-year-old family concern, has come a long way from its humble beginnings.
Great Things
It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.
"Marcus Tullius Cicero"
Kilometres Ridden
Meters Climbed
Funds Raised
Lives Touched
The JackalBerry Challenge Story
Near the Mpumalanga town of Bronkhorstspruit, Ubuhle Christian School is situated on the farm of Hugo and Melanie Prinsloo. Melanie is the passionate founder and driver of the school and has brought so much hope to this community since 2008. The community consists of rural farm workers and their families whose daily plight is fighting poverty. Somehow the dream to educate their children and thus enable these children to have a chance at breaking the cycle of poverty is what attracts this community to Melanie and her passion to educate their children. The school complex began humbly and has grown in stature and influence over time through relentless vision and passion.
Enter three businessmen who shared three common passions; supporting this underprivileged school, love for mountain biking and enjoying a good challenge. So, while the cause and the starting point were born, all that was needed was the actual cycle course and the cycle destination. Enter another similar minded businessman who owns the farm JackalBerry in Machadodorp in Mpumalanga. This beef farm nestles on the escarpment and provides the perfect destination for the annual JackalBerry Challenge riders to end their two-day cycle journey.

Vision and Mission
Our vision is to provide quality Christian education, especially for orphans and vulnerable childred living in disadvantaged farmwork families and township areas surrounding Bronkhorstspruit.
Our mission is to raise a new generation of children that:

Cyclists Comments
Some insight, contemplation, reflection and introspection from the JackalBerry Challenge cyclists...
An Institution
The Jackalberry Challenge or JB as we know it has become an institution for us as a business. The challenge marries the desire to uplift a community and the love for adventure so many of us at 4PL share. We are delighted to see the change that JB is making in the community and we are proud to be associated with the challenge.
Uplifting Community
The Jackalberry Challenge journey has grown with BMi as we have sought to assist in uplifting this rural community in Bronkhorspruit. BMi staff remain committed to supporting the school, the scholar and parents through building bricks for homes, being part of supplying transport, supplying clothing and computers or even digging vegetable gardens. Jackalberry Challenge is where the BMi team support Ubuhle tangibly through the event organization and planning which is our way of giving back to others and making a difference to this community those less fortunate.
Just incredible
This event is certainly a highlight each year, for myself and for the entire team at Six Square. The opportunity to effectively make a significant difference to the Ubuhle community, while enjoying some of the best terrain this beautiful country has to offer, is most certainly something we are extremely grateful for.
Sponsor a JackalBerry Hot Spot. All proceeds go to Ubuhle Christian School.
Sponsor A Hot Spot
8.1 km / 2% Gradient
- Proudly Sponsored by
Musiek Goggas Kleuterskool
Freddie Kruger
10.4 km / 3% Gradient
- Proudly Sponsored by
Spinnaker ARCH
Pineapple Pass
6.5 km / 4% Gradient
- Proudly Sponsored by
Mount Everest
2.1 km / 7% Gradient
- Proudly Sponsored by
End In Mind
Contribute to this cause!
Make your contribution to the JackalBerry Challenge and Ubuhle Christian School
Whether you're a corporate entity or a private individual, every contribution, no matter how big or small, does make a difference. If you are able to contribute towards this cause, and change the lives of the students at Ubuhle, giving them the opporuntity to make South Africa a better place, then please click here!